Welcome to our blog. We are Mike and Carol, a 50-ish couple from Essex in the UK. In a year’s time we plan to buy a motorhome, pack up work, rent out our house and spend a couple of years touring Europe.
It might sound daft, but neither of us has ever been on holiday in a motorhome or a caravan. We do however both love travelling and know that we couldn’t possibly afford to go to all the places we want to see staying in hotels and B&Bs. Motorhoming makes the extent of travelling we want to do affordable, and also offers the ultimate in flexibility – no need to book up flights and hotels in advance. Having read blogs like Our Tour, we know that motorhoming will work for us, and that we will have a fantastic time. We’ve been planning this for a while now, and have worked out which layout we think will work best for us. We’ve seen the ‘van we like, a Sunlight T68, and will be hiring one for a week’s holiday later in the year to ‘try before we buy’.
So why keep a blog when there are so many motorhoming blogs out there? The main reason is that it will be a great way of keeping in touch with family and friends while we’re travelling. It will also give us something to look back on in years to come, a reminder of our travels.
And why start a blog now? Good question! We have so much to do in terms of downsizing, financial planning and getting ready in general, and we would like to capture that. One other reason for starting the blog now is that I want to learn how to build WordPress websites (apparently, nearly a quarter of all websites are based on WordPress), and what better way than to build your own blog!
We’ll be posting on here only occasionally to start with, but will begin posting more frequently as things start moving. Thanks for reading!