We’d planned to stay at Krk for three nights but ended up staying an extra night as the weather was so good, and it would also be our last chance to relax for a while as we’ll be going back to travelling mode once we leave Croatia.
We’ve walked into Krk a couple of times, just over a mile each way over a pretty steep hill. It’s a lovely old town, enclosed within a city wall as these places tend to be, and there’s a busy marina there as well. Everywhere seems to be closing down for the season now, so it was good to be able to mooch around without having to dodge the usual guided tour excursions.
The campsite we’re staying at has excellent WiFi – not much slower than broadband at home – so we’ve been able to do lots of planning and catching up with other people’s blogs. On leaving here tomorrow we’ve decided to cut through western Slovenia to explore the north east corner of Italy for a couple of weeks, before driving back to Ljubljana for my dental treatment. Once we’re done in Ljubljana we’ll head straight for Venice, and then travel south through Italy.
We’ve had a fantastic time in Croatia, though we’ve been very spoilt as it’s only possible to stay on campsites (there are no aires here, and there’s a hefty fine if you get caught wild camping). The campsites we’ve stayed on have all been superb with excellent facilities, so it feels like we’ve been on holiday rather than travelling these past few weeks. It’s going to come as a bit of a shock to have to start using the shower in the van again!