Vila Nova de Cerveira

We were up early today, and at the moho service centre for opening time. Ninety minutes later and the van’s as good as new!

It’s been really frustrating these past couple of months not being able to charge up phones, tablets and kindles unless we’ve been on electric hook up, especially when we’ve had a fully charged leisure battery available. It’s great to finally be able to charge our gadgets whenever we want, and it will now reduce our dependency on camp sites, which should in turn help us to keep the costs down.

We called in at the Jumbo hypermarket to stock up on groceries before hitting the road. It was a huge place (I think it’s part of the Auchan group) but we managed to come away without spending a fortune.

We did buy a Jumbo pile of our new favourite chocolate though

We’re staying on a free aire in Vila Nova de Cerveira, one last night in Portugal before crossing into Spain. It’s right on the border, 100m from the river which separates the two countries. We’ve been for a wander into town, and that’s about it.

Vila Nova de Cerveira
Vila Nova de Cerveira
Vila Nova de Cerveira – the door patterns and window box flowers are all knitted from wool
Artwork entitled Wall Of Shame – “This work makes reference to the 3,141 km wall between the USA and Mexico, and the 721km wall between Israel and Palestine where thousands of people have died”
Our view of Spain this evening

We’re looking forward to going back to Spain tomorrow, as neither of us have been to Galicia before.
