It was only a half hour drive to Antequera, so we were at the aire nice and early, and there were a few decent spaces left. We parked up and walked into town in search of the tourist information office. Spotting a couple of the blue “i” signs by a busy square, our hopes were raised slightly. After spending a few minutes looking without success, we carried on our way in the sunshine. The tourist information office could be found half a mile away, which has been the case at quite a few of the towns we’ve visited, so we now tend to take these signs with a pinch of salt.
With map in hand we climbed our way up to the castle, and were rewarded with a wonderful view across the town. As the admission fee for the castle was €6 each, we decided not to go in, and instead treated ourselves to lunch at a nice cafe. The next couple of hours were spent wandering around the old town. It’s a lovely place which hasn’t been spoiled by tourism, and it’s definitely worth a day trip from Málaga.
As the weather was so nice, we stopped for a drink and sat watching the world go by (we love people watching), before heading back to the van.
This weekend we’ll be going to Málaga, spending time with Carol’s cousin Wendy and her husband Lee who live in Tenerife, and will be flying over to see us. In the absence of a decent campsite in Málaga, we’ll be staying in nearby Torremolinos, a 20 minute train ride away.
We weren’t going to get to the site until Friday but we’re ahead of schedule, and have the laundry and loads of other chores to do, so we’ll be getting there a day earlier. As we’ll be out and about with Wendy and Lee over the weekend, the next blog post will be on Monday.

We got a mention in your blog, fame at last!
We’re both really looking forward to seeing you this weekend and to share a small part of your big adventure.
Yep, we’re really looking forward to seeing you this weekend, should be fun!